Over the weekend of 29–30 October, Apia, Samoa was the scene of community service and brotherly love through side-by-side faith and action of several religious organizations.
Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Seventh-day Adventist, Methodist, Congregational Christian Church Samoa (EFKS), Anglican, Assembly of God, Catholic, and Congregational Church of Jesus in Samoa (EFIS) joined hands to improve their communities on a Pacific Area National Cleaning Day, making it a better place to live and raise families. The work performed included cleaning up cemeteries, schools, rivers, hospitals, drains, roadsides, and other public spaces.
A well planned program can be fruitful and rewarding. This was the case when these different denominations joined forces to clean-up and brighten areas of Apia. The day was a success in every part of the region as participants donned yellow vests emblazoned with “Helping Hands” logos.

President Hans Jason Joseph, a local Latter-day Saint leader, said, “The main drive behind this is to serve the country and our fellow beings, and to promote service without reward or payment.”
He elaborated by saying, “We just simply want to serve the country as good responsible citizens and to serve others just like how the Saviour taught us to serve one another. We are blessed and overwhelmed with the response from the church communities who accepted our invitation to join us in this great cause.
“And what a wonderful way to promote and build strong inter-faith relationship among religions. Moreover, the initiative aligns with the celebration of the Environment Week in Samoa this week. And what a way to show our support for the government and their efforts too.”
A devotional service was held on Sunday 30 October to honour several people who provided distinguished service to the community, thereby making life a little better for everyone.
Su’a Julia Wallwork of Adventist Disaster Relief Agency Samoa (ADRA), was honoured for her work and leadership in providing food, water, clothes, shelter and so much more for the poor and the needy.
The spirit of extraordinary cooperation motivated Wallwork to reflect, “This is the will of God, to reach out to others to help alleviate poverty and make life a little better for others. We cannot change the whole world, it’s too big for us, but through our small and simple acts of love and service we can make a difference to the life of others.”
Laauli Allan Grey, owner of Sheraton and Aggie Greys Hotel, was recognized for his well-known support of the people of Samoa, including families, individuals and organizations in so many ways.
A similar feeling was expressed by Marina Grey who accepted the award on behalf of her husband who was not able to attend.
Mrs. Grey said, “We stand together to bring love and hope to many who are heavy laden and to help them realize their dreams in life.”
Mapusua Rudolf Keil, a well-known local businessman and Latter-day Saint was acknowledged for his distinguished service in the community, especially for airing, free of charge, Sunday devotionals on his radio network, Talofa FM.
Keil was excited and almost speechless when receiving his award. He said, “I never knew that the Church would think of me and what I do for the people of Samoa by broadcasting weekly Sunday devotionals for the nation. I did not do it for any reward, but I am so grateful that we can all make a difference.”

President Joseph concluded the award ceremony by saying, “Let us all remember that we are literally sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father and He entrusted us with His many gifts and talents that we need to share with one another so we can all receive the promised joy and peace even in times of need.

“When we do that, we will fulfil our purpose in life which is summarized in the first and the greatest commandment to love God and our neighbours.”